Friday, March 5, 2010

Dumb !!!

Why it happens that even if we have thoughts overflowing, we have so much to talk about, so much to share but... we get dumb !! We don't get words at all to express our thoughts. Something stops us from sharing our thoughts with anyone, even from our closest ones. Mind keeps running haphazardly but goes nowhere. And finally when we get tired of thinking or some new chapter comes, we keep aside those thoughts. What we think afterall??? This situation comes when we want to find some conclusion or to take some decision but what conclusion/decision our mind tells, our heart denies to accept/believe that. May be because of some hidden fears or because of lack of facts or truth. I think heart is right sometimes. Its good to collect more facts before believing. But to collect more facts or to find truth, we may need to express thoughts... and we reach back to where we started.... !!


pradeep said...

The title and post is not really matching as per my thinking. Its not rally called dumb, its all about finding of a right person to share. It is also very true that as we start thinking to react on something, a new challenge knock the door and gave us lots more to think.........

Jyotsna said...

@ pradeep: No, its not about finding the right person to share. Its about a quarrel with your own thoughts and getting involved so much into it that you become unable to express.

AMAN BAHL said...

I dont think so........ when feeling overflow, we may run short of words but then our body languages and our eyes say everything

Jyotsna said...

@ Aman: Agree that our behavior seems changed, but nobody can guess whats going on inside your mind, even if you yourself try to write it down, you can't... Moreover I am not talking about sharing with anyone else, but finding out "what" exactly is going on....